Onion "Karminka"
2.13€ 1.28€
Violet onion "Karminka". Type: Spring. Days since sowing: 120. Fruit weight: up to 90 g. 1 gram = 250-400 seeds. Oval and beautiful dark purple bulb! The variety is semi-hot, mid-season. Dry scales are purple, while juicy scales..
Onion "Klaria"
1.58€ 0.95€
Hibernal 0nion "Klaria". Small-celled, two-, three-pronged. Productivity up to 1.2-1.6 kg / m2. Features of agricultural technology: For open ground. For cultivation in annual and biennial crops. Ripening terms: Mid-season, vegetation ..
Onion "Ramata di Milano"
1.52€ 0.91€
Hibernal onion "Ramata di Milano". Mid-late variety. It produces a harvest 105-112 days after sowing. The color of the upper scales is golden-pink. The bulbs are medium in size, with a mild taste. The bulbs are perfectly preserved t..
Onion "Rawska"
1.76€ 0.70€
Hibernal onion "Rawska". Mid-early (110-120 days from germination to mass lodging and yellowing of leaves) variety. Differs in high productivity and good quality of a bulb. Rich in vitamins, indispensable in traditional cuisine and u..
Onion "Red Baron"
2.25€ 1.35€
Hibernal onion "Red Baron". The variety is intended for growing marketable onions from seeds in one season. The early period from seed germination to technical maturity lasts 92-95 days. The bulbs are flat-round, weighing 100-120 g...
Onion "Sochaczewska"
1.70€ 1.02€
Hibernal onion "Sochaczewska". Mid-season Polish variety producing uniform, well leveled bulbs suitable for long-term storage (76% until spring). The keeping quality of the bulbs is very good. The bulbs are round, bisexual, weighing..
Onion "Spirit" F1
1.89€ 1.13€
Hibernal onion "Spirit" F1. Early ripe hybrid variety of semi-sharp taste. Gives a high yield regardless of soil and climatic conditions. The bulbs are flat-round, dense, weighing 50-100 g. Dry outer scales are bronze-yellow, inner juicy ..
Onion "Yellow sweet Spanish"
Onion "Yellow sweet Spanish". A mid-late variety (110-140 days) of salad onions with a slightly pungent taste. The flesh is juicy and crispy. The bulb is round, large, well-aligned, medium density, single- or double-budded, weighing 100-1..
Pea "Telefono" (500,0 g)
10.91€ 6.55€
Green pea "Telefono" - Pisum sativum L. (partim). The longest fruiting! Late-ripening variety: from sowing to harvest: 100-110 days. Beans are 11 cm long, filled with large, sweet peas. Ripen gradually, providing a long-term harvest. P..
Potato "SOLHY007F1"
4.88€ 2.92€
Potato "SOLHY007F1". The variety is characterized by an elongated oval shape, smooth skin, high palatability and high disease resistance. The tubers are even, with yellow skin and small eyes. Recommended for growing seedlings. There are a..
Radish winter "Nero Tondo d Inverno"
Winter radish "Nero Tondo d Inverno". Mid-season variety for summer-autumn circulation. The period from full shoots to the beginning of technical ripeness is 68-75 days. The rosette of leaves is semi-raised. The leaf is medium in siz..
Red cabbage "Mohykan" F1
1.15€ 0.69€
Red cabbage "Mohykan" F1. The hybrid is suitable for fresh consumption, pickling and extended storage. Mature within 115-125 days after seedling planting. Loafs are round, firm, weight 1.9-2.4 kg, resistant to cracking. Used fresh, particu..
Rhubarb "Lider"
2.01€ 1.20€
Rhubarb "Lider" - Rheum rhabarbarum. A perennial vegetable crop is an unpretentious old-timer of the northern garden. Frost tolerant plant requiring deep soil with sufficient moisture. Leaves up to 50 cm long are used to prepare comp..
Savoy cabbage "Predzvest"
1.40€ 0.84€
Savoy cabbage "Predzvest". Very useful for children and the elderly! Early variety for growing from seedlings (85-90 days after transplanting), resistant to flowering and cracking. The head of cabbage is pointed, weighing 1.2-2.7 kg. Ros..
Savoy cabbage "San Michele"
1.64€ 0.98€
Savoy cabbage "San Michele". High-yielding late-ripening variety (period from sowing to technical ripeness 130-150 days). Heads of cabbage are medium-sized, rounded, weighing 1.8-2 kg. It has a delicate leaf structure and excellent taste...
Signet marigold "Lulu yellow-lemon"
Signet marigold "Lulu yellow-lemon". Profuse and long flowering plant. The plant is heat-loving, drought-resistant. Unpretentious to soils, prefers sunny places. To prolong flowering, faded flowers must be removed. Used for planting in f..
Signet Marigold "Orange" (Slender-leaf marigold)
Signet Marigold "Orange". Many orange inflorescences: a parade of blooming balls with openwork foliage! A profusely blooming variety for bright, elegant flower beds. The plant is highly branched, forms a spreading bush 30-40 cm in height,..
Spinach "Andromeda" F1
1.89€ 1.13€
Spinat ''Andromeda'' F1. Eng.: Spinach. Suom.: Pinaatti. Sven.: Spenat. Bot.: Spinacia oleracea L. ..
Spinach "Merlo Nero"
1.52€ 0.91€
Spinach "Merlo Nero". Leader in the amount of iodine! Medium early (30-40 days) variety for growing in open and protected ground from early spring to late autumn. The socket is compact, medium-sized. Leaves are numerous, oval, dark green..
Spinach "Viroflay"
1.46€ 0.87€
Spinach "Viroflay". Very healthy, tasty and dietary greens. The variety is early ripe (30-40 days). Spinach is a moisture-loving and cold-resistant crop. Planting and growing it is quite simple. Specifically, in July and August, the cult..
Sprouting broccoli "Spigariello"
Sprouting broccoli "Spigariello" - Brassica esculenta. It differs from other types of asparagus cabbage in small and scattered loose inflorescences. The main value of this type of broccoli is its crispy stems, which taste like aspara..
Summer leek "Gigante Suizo"
2.25€ 1.35€
Summer garden leek "Gigante Suizo" - Allium porrum. Grow up for the sake of receiving the bleached stalk - "legs". The shape of the "leg" is cylindrical, diameter 3-4 cm, weight 200-300 g, height 15-20 cm. The thi..
Sweet pepper "Topepo Rosso"
1.89€ 1.13€
SWEET PEPPER "TOPEPO ROSSO". Medium early undersized variety with a height of 45-65 cm. Designed for growing in film greenhouses and open ground. Fruits are decorative, round (resemble tomatoes), weighing 30-80 g, thick-walled, four-lobed..
Sweet pepper "Torricello" F1
Sweet pepper "Torricello" F1. An early ripe hybrid for open ground and film greenhouses. The fruit is corrugated, elongated cone-shaped, weighing 45-50 g and up to 12 cm long with a wall thickness of about 3 mm. Retains attractive appear..
Welsh onion "Da Mazzi" (Japanese bunching onion)
Wintry green onion "Da Mazzi". Perennial plant with resistant to cold. It stands of one olace for few years (4-6). Makes white nodules and green, juicy and soft chives, delicate in taste. This mid-early variety recommended for ..
Showing 76 to 100 of 114 (5 Pages)